Spent most of today at RSPB Rainham Marshes, arrived at the small car park on the landfill at 07.45. An overcast start to the day with just a little bright redness in the sky to the east.
Looking east from small car park |
Walking around to the serin mound I still had my wide angle lens on the camera, big mistake as the Siberian Chiffchaff showed well and calling for about a minute before disappearing. Wennington Marsh was relatively quiet with just one Marsh Harrier worth noting. Walking up and over the landfill site Skylarks were already up and singing and a few Meadow Pipits were also seen. On the reserve the reedbed feeders were busy and I sat a while and took a few snaps.
Great Tit |
Grey Squirrel |
Reed Bunting |
Blue Tit |
Robin |
From the Ken Barret hide Raven was seen over the marsh and a Lapwing fed on an island in front of the hide.
Lapwing |
Near the western end of the northern boardwalk I had some luck. There are two benches where you can view the Peregrine's favourite pylon and one was sat at the top. I set my scope on it and sat down to eat my sarnies, a couple passed by and stopped to look through my scope at the Peregrine. The lady asked if I had seen any harriers, I said yes there were two distant ones earlier, to which she said is that large bird one? I stood up to see a Bittern flying across the reed tops, what a stroke of luck, because if the couple hadn't passed by, I would have been sat eating my lunch and missed it!