
RSPB Rye Meads

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A pleasant walk around the reserve at Rye Meads today, after the recent unsettled weather it was good to feel the sun on my back. I met with members of RSPB Havering Local Group for our last meeting of this season's calendar.

View from the Draper Hide
 We started in the Draper Hide where amongst the many wildfowl the drake Garganey was soon found asleep on one of the islands. It soon stirred it's self and had a swim and a fly around, but always remained on the far side of the scrape. Also seen here were a few Stock Doves, Common Terns and a single Green Sandpiper.
drake Garganey with Shoveler in the foreground
 From the Gadwall Hide were more terns and a female Pochard with six ducklings and many black-headed Gulls most with quite large juveniles. A pair of Little Grebes were also seen.
Looking out from the Gadwall Hide
 We spotted around ten Holly Blue butterflies along with single Orange-tip and Brimstone.
Holly Blue

View from Tern Hide

Nursery-web Spider with egg sac

Helophilus pendulus Common Tiger Hoverfly

young Coots from the Kingfisher Hide but no sign of the Kingfishers, they were seen soon after we left the hide!

Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle Agapanthia villosoviridescens

Banded Demoiselle

On our way back to the Visitor Centre
