
Hen Harrier Day 2017

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Another successful rally at RSPB Rainham Marsh and huge thanks once again to all the staff and volunteers for such a fantastic day.

The event was kicked off beautifully by London-based vocal ensemble Peregrina EnChantica.
Three rousing speeches followed by Rob Sheldon on behalf of Birders Against Wildlife Crime leading into impassioned and heartfelt words by Mark Thomas from RSPB Investigations before handing over to the as ever erudite and emotive Chris Packham who delivered a no nonsense, matter of fact blast at all that is wrong with the state of our upland management and the persecution of its wildlife. You could feel the buzz as almost five hundred people present got behind a just cause. The rally ended as the crowd with placards and banners raised high chanted '#StopKillingHenHarriers'.

The crowd begins to gather

Chris Packham fires up the gathered with a passionate and emotive speech

RSPB Havering Local Group members

Peregrina EnChantica

I loved the artwork of these banners

Some of the Wat Tyler crew
