
Rainham - A wander in the rain!

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Friday found me again at RSPB Rainham Marshes, the day was overcast with steady drizzle from mid morning. It did brighten up as I was leaving, which was ok as the reserve was staying open until dusk for the last time this year.

It was pretty quiet for passerines, probably all keeping their heads down in the rain! The ducks didn't mind it though and their numbers seem to be increasing with more Teal and a few Wigeon, sign of things to come. I did manage a few pictures, the best of which are below.

Little Egret about to touch down




One of this year's young Little Grebes tackling a stickleback

Adult Little Grebe also with a stickleback

Grey Heron about to swallow a marsh frog, it looks as if the frog has jumped in, but in truth the heron caught it and has just manoeuvred it in to a head first position for swallowing!

Grey Heron
