
Rainham Marshes - New Years Day

Large Rectangle
Thanks to H and the staff and volunteers the reserve was opened early for New Years Day at 7am. I managed to arrive just before 8 later than I had planned!

The light wasn't great for photography and it never really improved during the three hours or so I was there. But it was great as it always is to get out on the first day of a new year, it least it wasn't raining and I saw some great birds as well. A pair of Peregrine Falcons were present most of the time, either on their favourite pylon or hunting over the marsh. And, it was spectacular to see one hunting and take a Teal in flight (unless of course you were the teal!). She came up from below it and took the middle one of three birds flying in a line, almost certainly killing it instantly with those talons and the power of the impact. It landed in the centre of the reserve out of sight to pluck and devour its prey.
Little Grebe taken through the glass in the Marshland Discovery Zone

The targets a retained part of the reserves military history

Carrion Crow

Not as common as their name suggests a Common Gull

A Ruff showed well from the northern boardwalk viewing area

A lovely group of mainly drake Pintails, they were didtant though

A Robin serenaded us in the woodland

Finished the day with a full moon from my garden
