
Mayesbrook Park - First visit this February

Large Rectangle
Lovely sunny morning although there was a cold breeze. Never added to my 48 bird species seen in the park so far this year. Although I did see the Water Rail again and counted three Little Egrets.

Looking west from the road end of the wildlife lake

Looking west from the road end of the wildlife lake

Ring-necked Parakeets still going throgh courtship rituals

Looking west along the south side of wildlife lake

A couple of old and large willows

Willow trunk bark

A tall willow

One of the small pools along the western edge of the park

Mayes Brook which runs nort to south along the park's western boundary

Mayes Brook which runs nort to south along the park's western boundary

Waterside Close entrance the most northerly part of the park

There are a number of interesting trees along the northern boundary

View from the boating changing rooms, looking north across the centre of the park to the green sports stadium in the distant

Little Egret counted three today

Wood Pigeon
Read a few Gull rings today three Black-headed Gulls and I think a Herring Gull

All the ring info has been sent to the relevant ringing projects.