Spent a few hours today walking the seawall, at the serin mound and walking the trail over the landfill. Weather was dull all of the time but not cold, the sky was bland and didn't lend it's self to interesting images, which was a shame.
Two summer plumaged Turnstones were feeding along the tide line near the visitor centre, but they were distant on a falling tide |
noisy Oystercatcher flew over |
Six Wheatears today three along the shoreline and three on the landfill |
Kestrel one of a pair |
Kestrel |
Just the one godwit seen and it was a Bar-tailed |
The large amount of dandilions were attracting a variety of butterflies including this Small Tortoiseshell |
Linnet |
Skylark on the landfill
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Peregrine Falcon flies over the landfill
Green-veined White