
Rainham - a butterfly day!

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Walked the circular route of the reserve yesterday in a clockwise direction. But before I started I spent 15 minutes or so in the wildlife garden. watching Commas, Red Admirals, Peacocks and Holly Blue butterflies.


Red Admiral



Feeding with the butterflies was Volucella zonari Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

Hornet Mimic and Comma, you can see it is a big beast!

Loads of Gatekeepers around the reserve

Comma you can just see the 'comma' like mark on the underwing where its name comes from.

Painted Lady this was on the footpath soon after leaving the visitor centre.

Red Admiral looking fine and dapper!

I thought this was a brown argus at first but it is not it's a female Common Blue

Bearded Tits these juveniles were still feeding very low down at the 'Dragonfly Pools' and still proving tricky to photograph!

juvenile male Bearded Tit

From 'Butts Hide' no sign of any great whites but 6 or 7 Little Egrets entertained!

Little Egret

A fluffy Little Egret!

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