
Rainham Marshes

Large Rectangle
Spent a few hours today on the reserve in the hope of getting some half decent pics of the Bearded Tits. The weather wasn't great overcast to start with then a light shower before the sun broke through. The wind was constantly blowing making photography difficult looking through the moving reeds. I managed some almost half decent shots but got much better shots of Sedge Warblers both juvenile and adults.

My images are for sale and you can purchase them HERE
Sedge Warbler juvenile

Sedge Warbler juvenile

Sedge Warbler adult

Cinnabar Moth caterpillar quite a few around the reserve

Green-veined White

Sedge Warbler adult

Reed Warbler

Bearded Tit juvenile

Bearded Tit juvenile

Bearded Tit juvenile

Common Carder Bee

Red Admiral
